IIF - how you can contribute and help us grow ?

There have been instances where people asked me how can they contribute to the IIF project. This article is for them, who wants to be useful for the society by using their spare time.

In fact, you can help each of its various parts as described in the article "IIF project - an overview of the current situation", individually or all of them. Let us see, how you can contribute.

Write articles for this website

One very good way to be useful is to write articles based on various experiences of your life, and what you think would positively infuence other people's lives.

If you desire to write an article, drop me a message through Facebook once your article is ready. Become a member through the signup page of this website, and once I have received your message, I will promote you as a contributer and you can then add as many articles as you want.

When you write your article, please be sure that they are relavant to people's need here. Please do not write any article which is negative in nature, that is, criticizing any issue. Please be positive, and feel free to praise - and be factual.

I keep the right to edit an article like in any media's editor-in-chief will do. The whole idea of writing aritlces is to help others not to go through the same pain we have gone through, as we had none to guide us.

Please do not be surprised if I do not accept your Facebook friend request, I receive plenty of them from unknown people all the time, and we can wait for that formality till we meet oneday. Real life friendship is better than connecting with people we have not met through Facebook.

These articles are not paid.

Help people in our Facebook group

When you have time, help others in our Facebook group where we all discuss. When you reply to someone, please be factual. Plenty of questions are asked always in the group, you can help people by replying to their queries.

While replying make sure that you are also respecting the interests of IIF and not promoting anything which can be against the interest of IIF. 

Promote Centre Zenith at your office

Our teachers are as good as the best French language schools of Paris. You can help IIF by introducing Centre Zenith to your office and get us listed as the French language service provider for your company.

Our teacher will come to your office and you will learn French within your office time and without needing to go anywhere. If you are in a good position, it is possible that your company will sponsor a personal teacher, in which case our teacher can come to give you one to one French language training.

If you are an Indian expat, you are the best person to introduce Centre Zenith to the HR of your company, and help us connect. You will get one of the best French langauge teachers of Paris, while contributing to a good cause, because money earned through our French language program is reinjected to develop IIF and its various social projects.

For reference, here we go with our contact details:
Website: www.centrezenith.com
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/centrezenith
Email: formation@centrezenith.com

Connect to me, come for a café

If you have an executable idea, come for a café at our office, and let us brainstorm. A quick google search will help you see where is our office. Send me a message through Facebook before to come, to fix an appointment. 

Once we have met and have decided a strategy, make sure that you are executing your part of the project, as we discussed. We will create beautiful things together.

Author : Sourav Choudhury

Sourav Choudhury is a social entrepreneur living in France since 2003 and working for the cause of Indian community of France, since 2007. He is founder of multiple projects: the largest social network of the Indian community of France, a French language school for english speaking expatriates, this website, and few other projects.